4年前 提问
Cisco 交换机上怎么抓包
Cisco nexus 抓包使用ethanalyze命令。在用户视图下执行。
ERROR: SFLOW is configured. Please delete all SFLOW data sources before configuring SPANs
ethanalyzer local interface inband ?
> Redirect it to a file
>> Redirect it to a file in append mode
autostop Capture autostop condition
capture-filter Filter on ethanalyzer capture
capture-ring-buffer Capture ring buffer option
decode-internal Include internal system header decoding
detail Display detailed protocol information
display-filter Display filter on frames captured
limit-captured-frames Maximum number of frames to be captured (default is 10)
limit-frame-size Capture only a subset of a frame
mirror Filter mirrored packets
raw Hex/Ascii dump the packet with possibly one line summary
write Filename to save capture to
| Pipe command output to filter
# 配置SPAN到CPU的监视器会话
N9K# **configure terminal**
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
N9K-1(config)# **monitor session 1** N9K-1(config-monitor)# **source interface Ethernet1/10 rx**N9K-1(config-monitor)# **destination interface sup-eth0** N9K-1(config-monitor)# **no shut**
N9K-1(config-monitor)# **end**
# 确认SPAN到CPU监视器会话已启动
N9K# **show running-config monitor**
N9K# **show monitor**
# 在控制平面中查看复制的数据包
# ethanalyze 可以用来复制到思科Nexus 9000设备的控制平面视图流量。Ethanalyzer命令中的**mirror**关键字可以过滤流量,以便仅显示SPAN到CPU监视器会话复制的流量。Ethanalyzer捕获和显示过滤器可用于进一步限制显示的流量。
9K# **ethanalyzer** **local** **interface inband mirror display-filter** **"icmp && ip.addr=="** **limit-captured-frames 0**
# 使用Control-C组合键可以退出Ethanalyzer控制平面数据包捕获实用程序。
# 通过在Ethanalyzer命令中包含**detail**关键字,可以查看有关此流量的详细信息。下面显示了单个ICMP Echo Request数据包的示例。
N9K# **ethanalyzer** **local** **interface inband mirror display-filter** **"icmp && ip.addr=="** **limit-captured-frames 0 detail**
# 以管理方式关闭SPAN到CPU监视器会话
# 在SPAN到CPU监视器会话的上下文中使用**shutdown** configuration命令可以正常关闭SPAN到CPU监视器会话,并停止将流量复制到Cisco Nexus 9000设备的控制平面。
N9K# **configure terminal**
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
N9K-1(config)# **monitor session 1** N9K-1(config-monitor)# **shut**
N9K-1(config-monitor)# **end**